domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

Formación Profesional Bilingüe.

Formación Profesional en Inglés.

En el IES Turaniana estamos de enhorabuena, el próximo curso se oferta en nuestro centro el ciclo formativo de Grado Superior de Administración de Sistemas Informáticos y en Red. En la imagen podemos comprobar que sólo dos centros en la provincia de Almería ofertan esta opción.

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Actividades dentro del Programa Bilingüe.


October 31st was a special day at school. It was Halloween. We had a great party in the multi-purpose room. Our students were invited to the party, but if they wanted to come, they had to dress up or wear scary masks. Some students put some make up on their faces.

They also had to answer a simple question: ``Trick or Treat?” They all chose ``Treat´´ and then monsters and witches, the hosts of the party, gave them lots of sweets. Thank you to all the monsters and witches.

We had a great time. If you missed the party, please have a look at the pictures some monsters took. 

Country Dancing.

We should all thank Mr. Mihm, our language assistant, because he organized an amazing activity. He invited some friends from the U.S.A. to come to our school and teach our students how to dance country music. This is a typical dance in the western and southern parts of the United States. It was really good because the students of the first year of E.S.O. learnt a little bit more about American culture. 

Eating Smores

The four English classes in the first year of ESO had the opportunity to make and eat Smores. The snack food is typically eaten in the United States while on family camping trips. Students had to write the instructions for making the Smores before they could make and eat the treat. Smores have got chocolate, cookies, and marshmallows. Typically, Smores are made over a fire.

The Bilingual Contest.

Some students from the first year of ESO took part in the fourth bilingual contest celebrated in the city of Almería. The students’ names were:

Ángel, Alejandro, Zineb, Rocío, Daniela, Harry Alexander, Francisca, Yolanda, Álvaro and Lucía.
It was our first time in the contest and, even without much experience, we got a really good position, being the best school in Roquetas.

Thank you and good job.

 Los Toros.

Actividad en la plaza de toros para dar a conocer los pormenores de la Fiesta. Y no lo pasaron nada mal.

Redacción bilingüe.

Hi! My nombre es Lia, que es el diminutivo de Merlia. Tengo fifteen years. I live en London. Tengo dos hermanos que son una niña and a boy. They are Latifa and Harry. My parents son Laura and Mark. I have dos best friends forever (BBF). I go to school en San Jorge. I live in a street very nice and my house es very grande.

Sobre mi infancia puedo contaros que… when I was very pequeña me encantaba nadir, I used to swim dos dias in a week, and now sigo nadando cuando puedo, with Alejo and Lisa que son my BFF y un día I was in the piscina and mi hermana Latifa que es mayor than me 2 years and Mark is smaller than me 1 year.

Now I also travel to Francia, Spain, Canada…

Last year, I went to Canada and I loved the Torre Eiffel con Alejo, Lisa, Latifa, Mark and Laura and era very bonito. Now estoy muy happy con my life.

De mayor quiero ser piloto porque I like el sky. Well, I like everything here. It is very nice and I can speak español. Bye!!! Adios!!!!!

Realizada por Sandra Wilberforce